
Online Giving Information

Click 'Donate Here' to give your tithes and offerings through our parent GCC website. Please be sure to select 'EM' radio button and write 'Canvas - EM' in the memo field. Or mail check to: Good Community Church of Torrance 19950 Mariner Ave Torrance, CA 90503 Please make check payable to 'Good Community Church of Torrance' and write 'Canvas - EM' in the memo field.

If you are giving to New Challenge Ministries, please write 'Canvas - NCM' in the memo field

There are several ways to give here at Canvas

Weekly Offering
Give during our Sunday morning service.

Sunday AM – 9:45 am
19950 Mariner Ave. Torrance, CA 90503

Online Giving
Give through our safe and secure online program. See the next section for more information on how to give online. If you have any questions, please refer to the F.A.Q. section.

Mail your Offering
Feel free to mail your donation to:

Attn: Canvas Ministry, Finances
19950 Mariner Ave. Torrance, CA 90503